Farage is a traitor

Mara Nale-Joakim
4 min readMay 21, 2019


There, I said it. A man who has worked tirelessly to undermine Britain.

Yes, he pretends to be a British patriot. So did Lord Haw-Haw, I am sure.

His driving of a wedge between Britain and its closest European (and NATO) allies speaks louder than words however. The feeble excuse of ‘but but but, we like the Europeans, just not the ‘evil EU’’ is just that — a feeble excuse. The EU is overwhelmingly popular in Europe, it is their pet project. Leaving it will hurt our relations with some of our closest friends in this world.

And leaving it the way Farage wants, flipping them off along the way, will burn those bridges so much more. His inflammatory rhetoric towards our allies and friends will not be forgotten by them. He is making us look ridiculous on the world stage.

Only a traitor would want that. This is what enemies dream about. Leaving a nation isolated and alone. Making it a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.

Putin, as it happens, wants this too. His mate Dugin dreamt about it in the 90’s. For the Kremlin, the EU is a threat, along with NATO. To be split and weakened. And — what a coincidence — Nige used to be a regular on Russia Today. He refused to criticise Vlad over the Skripal poisonings. Wonder why.

Well, no need to wonder. Farage openly admired Vlad. He backed him over Ukraine. Again and again, he sided with Putin. The man is a Russian stooge. Who is very likely paid by Kremlin.

When the journalist Carole Cadwalldr attempted to investigate, Farage chickened out of answering her questions. When cornered eventually, he started making anti-semitic references to Soros. What a surprise. Actually, given Farage and the anti-semite Orban are best pals, not a surprise at all.

So, not only a traitor, but a coward and a racist as well. Indeed, his racism is well-documented.

Farage wants our institutions sold down the river to foreigners even more than they have been. He clearly hates the NHS and wants it privatised. The NHS is a British institution he wants to destroy.

Farage also wants to destroy our regulatory structures. He talks about control, but wishes to strip away our means of control — the laws that the people’s representatives carefully draft in order to uphold the high standards we have in this country. In every area from food production to financial services.

Indeed, Farage constantly attacks our lawmaking institutions — the Parliament and the courts. Plus the Civil Service. They are, supposedly, ‘part of the political establishment’. They are also part of this country’s democratic framework. If you oppose that, you oppose our way of life, you oppose Britain. Farage hates them with a passion for the simple reason that they have a bare minimum of integrity whilst he has none.

Who gets to profit from our regulations being stripped away? Foreign businessmen and foreign regimes. Many of the latter being unsavoury dictatorships. Some British people will, no doubt profit too, many will not. If you do not believe me, look at the inequality in the US — and they have a far, far stronger and bigger economy, plus they have the dollar. We will have it worse. A man who willingly screws his compatriots at the altar of his ideology is a traitor.

In that sense, Farage is the modern Lenin. Like Lenin, he pretends to be ‘of the people’ whilst having nothing in common with the average man or woman on the street. Like Lenin, he is funded from abroad (in Lenin’s case it was imperial Germany). Like Lenin, he dreams of burning down the established order, no matter what the cost to people’s lives, and of building his utopia. Like Lenin, he dreams of tearing down his country’s institutions, reneging on alliances and commitments. Like Lenin, he is petrified of democracy — except when it might give him the result he wants.

Except… Lenin was more honest. He admitted that his plans were brutal and would cost many lives.

It is telling that Farage supporters can only respond to this kind of factual criticism with whataboutery. ‘But… but Soros. But… but what about… the Guardian. What about Remain’. It is as pathetic as it is telling. They, too, know they are in a pact with the devil. The devil who promised them that Britain will be great, free from immigrants and with a unicorn at every corner because they will have something called ‘control’. They are just not man enough to admit it.

Or they bleat about ‘oh, but, but, but, you lost and we won, so there, get stuffed Remoaners’. Well, first of all this is no longer about Brexit. It is about everyone— Remain, people who wanted to move to EFTA, to leave the EU but stay in the customs union or single market— uniting against no-deal fanatics. The country never voted for a no-deal Brexit. And second, we ‘moan’ and take to the streets, because they are destroying our country, dragging its name through the mud, and that hurts our national pride. As any self-respecting patriot should be doing in the face of danger.

Is it really a danger? No doubt that, even in the case of no-deal Brexit, we can tighten our belts, impose austerity mark 2, take the hit to the economy and persevere. But that is not the point. If I shoot someone in the foot, they will eventually recover from that too. I’ve still shot them in the foot though, and this is what Nigel is doing to Britain.

I say, that in the election I genuinely do not mind who you vote for as long as it’s not one of Farage’s current or former parties. Forget rivalries. Forget internal divisions. It is no longer just about Brexit. It is about stopping the threat to this country from a man who would sacrifice it in a heartbeat at the altar of his own delusions. A charlatan funded by dark money from abroad. The modern day Lord Haw-Haw, a peddler of lies on behalf of sinister anti-British forces.



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